Community Housing Open House | Ha-Shilth-Sa Newspaper

Community Housing Open House

Event Date


You're invited to a housing Open House

Tuesday, March 12 

3:00PM to 6:00pm

Cixwatin Centre Gymnasium

Wiser Projects will be visiting hitacu for an Open House event to share plans for more community housing and to hear your ideas!

Survey results and your participation will help create a housing roadmap to guide the Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ Government  in meeting housing needs for community members over the next 10 years.

This is a casual Open House with snacks and beverages. Representation from the Department of Lands and Resources will be on hand with an information table. 

Here's what you can expect:

Learn about current housing projects!

-The Wiser team will have tables set up with informative handouts and visuals for everyone to review, including updates on the housing roadmap work and introduce new housing projects happening or planned in hitacu.

Interactive discussions:

-Engage in meaningful conversations with the Wiser team members. Wiser is here to osten to your thoughts, concerns, and suggestions. Your input plays a pivotal role in shaping projects for the better.

Share your input and ideas:

-Your opinion matters! Share your comments, questions, and ideas through discussion or through written comments for new housing projects to meet the needs of community members. 


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